Effective Sales Techniques for Small Business Owners
I’ve been a sales professional for over 18 years and nearly five years ago, I started The Last Hurdle with no financial backing and in the middle of a recession. Today, we have offices in Moulton Park, Northampton, I employ a small team of experts and we’re expanding by licensing the franchise model.
My name is Jules White, and I’m a sales professional. That sounds a bit like I should be in some sort of therapy group, doesn’t it?
Effective Sales Techniques for Small Business Owners
Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re all salespeople. Every time we meet someone new, we try to make a good first impression. When we persuade our kids to eat their vegetables, we’re selling the idea to them. These are all natural sales techniques. Now, imagine taking that same natural approach and applying it to your business. That’s all a successful salesperson does.
Forget the negative stereotypes you may have about salespeople. You are not that person and selling your products or services doesn’t mean compromising your ethics or values. Yes, you may need to step out of your comfort zone and yes, we Brits have a cultural tendency to avoid ‘tooting our own horn,’ but utilising effective sales techniques is about being true to yourself and maintaining your integrity.
With that in mind, let’s dive into some Effective Sales Techniques for Small Business Owners and share some elements that have helped me succeed:
Be Yourself
People buy from people, not faceless corporations. Be yourself—everyone else is taken! Relax, be authentic and enjoy the moment. If you’re not genuine, people will sense something is off, even if they can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. This unease can often put off potential customers.
Understand What Your Customer Wants
This is sometimes called a needs analysis and it’s crucial. You’d be surprised how many salespeople fail to truly understand what their customer wants. I’ve even seen this fundamental step overlooked in certain sales qualifications. Without knowing your customer’s needs, how can you offer a solution? Always take the time to listen and discover exactly what your customer is looking for.
Listen More Than You Speak
Communication is key. Do all your customers know about the full range of products or services you offer? Drip-feed educational messages into your marketing to raise awareness. And when you’re talking to a customer, really listen to them—don’t just wait for your turn to speak. Try listening twice as much as you speak for one week and see the difference it makes.
Identify New Markets
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. Look for new markets that might benefit from your products or services. For example, there’s currently a boom in home-run cottage industries, all of which need services like accounting, IT support or web design. Who is your ideal client? Profile them and find new ways to reach them.
Always Follow Up
Never assume a deal is dead. Even if you’re convinced a prospect won’t go ahead, always follow up. People can surprise you. Many times, I’ve thought a deal was lost, only to get a positive response after a follow-up call.
Watch Your Language
Avoid negative phrasing. For example, instead of saying, “I’m so glad it’s stopped raining,” which focuses on the nuisance of rain, try saying, “I’m so glad it’s dry,” which keeps the focus entirely positive.

Use Silence Effectively
Once you’ve made your pitch and asked for the business, stay quiet. Resist the urge to keep talking and justifying your proposal. Silence can feel uncomfortable, but it’s powerful let the other person fill the gap with their thoughts.
Educate, Don’t Sell
People don’t like being sold to, but they do like being educated. If we don’t enjoy pushy sales techniques, why would we use them on others? Instead, share knowledge and give your prospects the tools they need to make informed decisions. Engage with your customers by educating them.
Handle Objections, Don’t Argue
It’s essential to handle objections tactfully, without arguing or making the customer feel like they’re wrong. Educate them instead. For instance, say “Here’s what we’ve found works best,” or “Another client had similar concerns and this is how we addressed it.” The goal is to guide, not alienate.
Be Proactive
Don’t sit back and wait for sales to come to you. Patience may be a virtue, but it won’t bring in new business. Consistent, productive activity is what will keep your sales pipeline moving.
Ask for Recommendations
Word-of-mouth referrals are invaluable. Don’t be afraid to ask satisfied clients for recommendations or referrals—they’re often the warmest leads you can get.
Be Honest
If you don’t know the answer to something, admit it. People respect honesty. Let your customer know that you’ll find the information and get back to them promptly.
Whether you’re face-to-face, on the phone or even writing an email, smiling will change your tone and make you sound more positive and approachable. It’s a simple yet powerful sales tool.
Effective Sales Techniques for Small Business Owners
None of these techniques are earth-shattering insights, but they’re effective. When applied consistently, they can have a profound impact on your business. For seasoned sales professionals, these tips may serve as useful reminders. And for those new to sales, I hope they offer some valuable guidance.
If you need further advice or support on how to push your business to the next level, contact The Last Hurdle on 01604 654545 or email hello@thelasthurdle.co.uk for a complimentary consultation.