The Last Hurdle – Marketing, Social Media Marketing.

Tips For Growing Your Social Media Accounts

You have taken the plunge and added your business to the various social media platforms. But how do you go about growing your social media accounts? In this article, we give you some useful tips and advice around growing and managing your social media followers.

You first

Please don’t fall into the trap of creating your business social accounts and pages, then deciding to sit back to wait for everyone to start following you, this is not an effective growth method. You are going to have to make the first move and make those connection requests.

Tips For Growing Your Social Media Accounts

Growing Your Social Media Accounts


Always be mindful of who your target market is. If you service people or businesses within a certain geographical territory, then make sure those are the people you are connecting with. There is a caveat to this, if you come across a supportive business who likes your posts and shares them, but they are outside your target market, then you should still connect with them. These positive social bods are helping you, this kind of advocacy can be hard to find, so when you do spot it, connect and nurture the relationship.

Have a plan

As with most aspects of business, a growth plan or schedule will help you to keep on track. For example, you might want to connect with 20 new accounts each week on each platform you utilise. Break this down and schedule the work in.


Don’t be a taker! If an account likes and shares your content, reciprocate! Otherwise you may find they will soon stop! I am not saying you must reciprocate like for like, but you do need to repay these good deeds. If you do not, then they will stop. That would be a shame, as every time some one outside your business shares your content, it is accessible by all their connections, making your content reach expand exponentially.

I strongly recommend you make it a hard and fast rule to reciprocate those with whom you do business. I follow a supplier of ours on a social media platform, another small local business. I regularly like and share their content, not once have they ever done the same for ours… how do you think that makes me feel? I certainly do not feel like a valued customer. My intention is to now stop liking their content and I am questioning whether they do indeed value our business. You see how easy it is to upset your clients? And all because of a lack of reciprocation.

Be personable

People buy from people not faceless corporations, show us who we are talking to, make that personal connection and if you feel comfortable doing so, share some personal posts. I am not suggesting you show us your Friday night dinner, but do share pictures of you and the team, you and clients or suppliers – show us real, everyday stuff that will enable us to connect you on a more personal basis. I have seen content from a big hitter, they shared pics of their team working from home during lockdown, that made me feel like we are all in this together and I felt a real connection with the company. These kinds of personable posts allow your followers to feel that much more connected to the real people behind the business and that of course will apply to those considering connecting with you too.

Growing Your Social Media Accounts

Quality over quantity

Just like beauty, spam is in the eye of the beholder, so it can be hard to judge when you are spamming your connections. A great rule of thumb is less is more, daily posting for marketing content is just fine. Too much marketing content can be viewed by some as a spammy account, especially if there is no other activity other than marketing posts. If the balance is wrong, then you will start to lose followers. Instead of a constant and steady stream of advertisements, why not share knowledge, tips and advice, just like this blog?!?! These kinds of posts establish your credentials as an expert in your field and they also establish that you are helpful – another positive!

Be thankful

If a person or business has taken the time to share your content, you should thank them. If you are tagged in a post, recommended or you have supportive followers that constantly like your content, then show your appreciation. If you don’t it will stop.

Make someone smile

I love the saying from Maya Angelou: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. If it is within your power to make someone smile, then do it! Praise others’ work, social media is full of posts of companies and people’s accomplishments, where it is due, compliment a job well done! Positivity is a very attractive quality! Positivity will help not only to retain your followers but will also attract others.


I know some people are very careful about connecting with competitors. My view on this is there is plenty of work out there for all of us! I tend to get a lot of “Competitors” liking and following my social accounts. Personally, I think that is a huge compliment to me and the business, that others in the same industry like what we post. Some of these accounts have even started copying what we do and again I feel that this is complimentary and it certainly does not hurt our business reputation to have this level of support from within our own industry. Some of the nicest and most supportive people I know on social media platforms could be classed as competitors. Of course, not everyone is ethical and you will quickly learn to steer clear of those that don’t play nicely.

Paying for it

You can of course on certain platforms, pay for new followers by using their ad system. There is nothing wrong with giving your business a boost, just make sure that you don’t leak these new followers, by not engaging with them when they do connect with you.

Need help?

If it is slowly dawning on you that you may have bitten off more than you can chew and that there is a lot more to social media marketing than slapping up a daily post, then you might just need a helping hand. Growing social media accounts is all part of the service we offer at The Last Hurdle. If you would like to have a chat about your social media management give us a call on 01604 654545 or email

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