The Last Hurdle – Marketing, Social Media Marketing.

Focus on the Solution

Ever have one of those problems that seemed insurmountable….one of those that you just kept dwelling on? In such a situation it is so easy to keep seeing the problem rather than focus on the solution.

Focus on the solutionWorrying about the problem however, does nothing to start solving the situation; all it does is deprive you of energy that could be far better spent elsewhere. So how can you start acting and stop worrying? As a first step, consider what the worst possible outcome could be and prepare for that, anything better will then be a bonus. To do that, get as many of the facts together relating to the problem as you can and then go through four questions:

  1. What specifically is the problem? It is surprising how often when we actually try to define an issue properly we are able to put it into perspective.
  2. What are the causes of the problem? Again, be specific and get down to the real causes, not just the perceived ones that may cloud our judgement.
  3. What are the different solutions that I/we could implement? List them down as it will begin to crystallise your thoughts.
  4. Which of the above is the best solution? One of the possible solutions you have written down is likely to stand out as the best option, either because the facts you have collected lead you in that direction or because that great guide called ‘your gut instinct’ tells you so.

Focus on the Solution

Having worked through the above questions and reached your preferred decision…….act! Start the process of implementing the solution immediately; it doesn’t matter how small that first step is, just make a start. Once you start you are now focussing on the solution, you are no longer just seeing a problem; not only that but most of the worry and anxiety will disappear as you are now doing something positive about the situation.

So if you find yourself procrastinating and worrying about something, just gather the facts, go through the four questions and then start putting a solution into practice. When we focus on the solution, the perceived roadblock is blown away and we can drive forward.

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