The Last Hurdle – Marketing, Social Media Marketing.

Facebook Gather

In January I attended Facebook Gather, one of 250 delegates invited from across Europe to share best practices. The event was held in Brussels at the stunning, aptly named Cube. With prestigious speakers like the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg who spoke about Facebook’s drive to reduce Fake News and terrorist activities, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel who spoke about Digital Single Market Opportunities for SMEs in Europe and perhaps my favourite as I found him exceptionally motivating, Peter Hinssen from Nexxworks who’s talk was entitled the Day After Tomorrow (if you ever get the chance to listen to this chap I highly recommend it – but be warned, it is fast paced from the off and will leave you reeling!). We also learned how GDPR is being tackled at Facebook which I know has been a concern for a number of my clients. I will go into a number of these topics in more detail via my blog over the next few weeks, as you can imagine there was a lot of content to digest and in some cases translate!

Facebook Gather

Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer, Facebook.

Facebook Gather

There were plenty of workshops and Master Classes and even a little time for fun, for those who know me it will be no surprise the first thing I did during the open networking meeting on that first morning was to try out Oculus Rift… the virtual reality is so good I am currently trying to make a business case for purchasing some headset and a machine that has the relevant spec graphics card!

The Cube, Brussels

Facebook Gather

Over the course of two days I drank in the wealth of Best Practices, Tips, Advice and Facebook news. As always Facebook gave generously, not just in the provisions for us delegates but in the insights and knowledge imparted, it is impossible to convey 2 days of nonstop learning in a short article, but I will try to be succinct and have collated a few of the best nuggets below:

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