The Last Hurdle – Marketing, Social Media Marketing.

Don’t Be a Copy, Be Original

Be OriginalSometimes in a competitive market, it can be difficult to stand out and be original. Fighting against others to be noticed, who are selling similar products or services can make it feel like you’re walking into the wind rather than propelled by it.

Whether you are an individual looking for something new to buy, a business launching a product or service, or even just deciding what to wear in the morning, how can you set yourself apart so that when you present yourself to the world people will sit up and take note rather than just dismiss you for something they have seen, know about and already dismissed?

We are all born with our own identity so why are there so many people searching for originality out in the world? Maybe we are so caught up in the race to ‘fit in’ we have lost what it is that sets us apart through fear of being branded ‘different’.

Originality helps us stand out and gets people talking and wanting to know more. Whether it’s an innovative new product that is set for world domination or the person delivering it to their audience who is so captivating, if you want to be remembered, the best thing to do is be is yourself. There are so many ‘copy cats’ out there that it’s easy for us to lose ourselves in the crowd, forgetting who we really are, or want to be. Be Original!

We should all be ourselves whatever we are doing. Staying true and being honest with who you are is something people will admire. If we were constantly creating and making the same of everything, eventually boredom would set in. Embracing our individuality keeps us open to new opportunities and ideas and that will inspire others to do the same.

It will also be a great way to be remembered too!

Be Original – As Rob Brown says:

“You have to be you as everyone else has been taken!”

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