The Last Hurdle – Marketing, Social Media Marketing.

Wearing underpants on the outside

Wearing underpants on your headSometimes the pressures of work can mount up and before we know it we’re suffocating under a pile of paperwork wondering where on earth the switch is so we can see the light again.

We all have demands but sometimes they can get a little too much and that time management we all know and love so much gets lost along with our ability to cope with it all. That feeling can make us feel a little overwhelmed and we find ourselves starting to question everything including our ability to do our jobs properly.

As much as we would love to be superheroes and prove to the world that we’re indestructible the reality is, we’re not. We’re only human and that means sometimes a few cracks might appear but that doesn’t matter. What does, is identifying the days when we need a little help and asking for it, or maybe just a bit of time out to restructure and organise (aka delegate!) the workload so we can take that pair of pants off of our head and put them back in their rightful place!

Wearing underpants on the outside…

…well, it’s better than on our heads! We may think it’s easier to take more on than we’re capable of because somewhere we’re thinking we can do it, and in fairness, we probably can, but when there is a mass of other jobs to do, sometimes that one extra task on your to-do list is enough to make you want to get home and never leave the house again.

Don’t despair!

There is always a different way of looking at things. The best thing is to talk it through with someone. Let them know how you’re feeling and look at the ways in which it can be resolved. It’s not a sign of weakness – even the most successful of people need someone to rely on.

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